How I know I have a shopping addiction:
- There is no room in my closet. Granted, I live in a matchbox, but my closet is stuffed to the gills.
- As I type this, I have another tab opened on my browser so I can look for more clothes.
- I get clothes delivered to my job.
- I have a ton of clothes in my closet that still have tags on them.
- When I donate clothes to Goodwill (you should definitely do this at the end of every season), I use it as an excuse to buy more clothes.
- It's easier to put my clothes in the hamper then to hang them up. (Refer to #1.)
And with that, I think it's time for another shopping fast. For one month, I commit to not buying any new clothes & only shopping in my closet. When I did this in July 2011, I saved over $200. In February 2012 (in honor of Black History Month), I will no longer give my money to the Man & his clothing stores.
So, who's gonna join me in my shopping fast??