The HO-fessional is a woman who has gotten famous, not because of merit or talent, but because of who she's dated or slept with. Yall know who I'm talkin about: from the Fly by Nights (Tiger Woods 3972 jump offs) to the Matriarch (Kim Kardashian) to the OG (Monica Lewinsky). HO-fessionals are everywhere: Basketball Wives, Love & Hip Hop, and the Real Housewives are 3 steps away from it.
For some reason, our society has placed these women on a pedestal, giving them everything from magazine covers to purse lines to $19 MILLION FOR A MARRIAGE THAT LASTED 72 DAYS (yeah, I'm talkin to you Kim K). Now we have a whole generation of chicks running around tryna be HO-fessionals instead of PRO-fessionals. But why? What are we teaching our young girls? That we don't value your brain as long as you got a big butt? Make sure you chase after athletes instead of an education?
Ladies, it's time to reclaim your PRO-fessional status. Be bout your business, don't get caught up in chasing after dudes & living 'that' life. Be a lady, carry yourself as such & you're sure to be the next Ann Fudge, Valerie Jarrett or Oprah!
So, so true. Sad, but true. But we can TEACH the youngens that beauty fades, money gets spent, but true values we take to the grave with us!